Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Dinner, #3

We'll be going out of town for Thanksgiving this year, but I still wanted to roast a turkey breast, so I picked up a small (4 lb.) breast at the Boise Co-op the other day, and it is roasting away in my oven as I type. I was expecting Steve home around 4:30 today, but found out at 4:30 that he wouldn't be home until 6:30 or 7:00, so my mini-Thanksgiving dinner is a bit of a bust. Oh well. I'm also making some cornbread apple stuffing, peas, cranberry sauce, and potato. What I really want to do with this turkey is make paninnis tomorrow night - - turkey, stuffing, a bit of cheese, and some of the Cranberry Mustard I bought at Stonewall Kitchen while I was in Maine. Yum!


Anonymous said...

Oh, mercy. You're paninni plan sounds delicious, Heather. I'll have to make some for us. Usually I make a turkey-broccoli casserole with leftover turkey, so your suggestion gives me a new plan.

Love, Aunt Jean

Heather said...

Well, shoot. I bought some lovely paninni rolls at the Co-op on Friday - - specifically for the turkey/stuffing paninnis, and they have mold all over them! Hmph!! So now I must move onto plan B. I think the bread I made on Saturday will work well, although I may make some different bread anyway!

Joy said...

4 lbs? I just bought a 23 pounder! (Eyes bulging out of head) I love your paninni idea. I have a paninni grill and it's amazing how much better things are with grill marks on them.

Heather said...

UPDATE: I ended up buying two paninni rolls at Albertson's. Spread a thin layer of stuffing on one side of the roll, topped that with turkey, a very thin layer of cranberry sauce, a slice of cheese and then a smidge of Stonewall Kitchen cranberry mustard. Pressed them in the George Foreman and they were FABULOUS!!

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