Thursday, June 08, 2006

Elk, anyone?

Here is a photo of my beloved freezer. I've always wanted one, and so we bought one this past winter. The event that prompted the sudden purchase was that Steve and his brother Rex took part in a Veteran's depredation elk hunt, and they each got an elk. We knew we didn't have room in our refridgerator freezer, so off to Lowe's we went. Having never had an extremely large animal butchered, I had no clue that the thing would take up the entire freezer. I'm getting use to the fact now that whenever I open the freezer door, I usually get hit in the foot with a package of elk burger, sliding off the perpetual mountain of meat.
I'm not familiar at all with the sport of hunting - - have no interest in it, nor do I have any interest in knowing the details of this poor elk's demise. However, I do have to say that elk meat is delicious. It is extremely lean, completely organic, and has no gamey flavor at all. It is also nice to have various cuts of meat at my disposal, and I am enjoying cooking with it. So, if you find yourself in need of some elk meat, give me a call - - I have enough to choke a horse.


Joy said...

Send some my way and I'll send you some organic beef! I grew up with TWO freezers full of meat and food and you may be shocked to hear that I have two deep freezes and another refridgerator/freezer in our garage. I LOVE having all that food to our disposal!

As you know, I have always been a hunter and this fall will be Mel's first year to be able to hunt with a rifle. We're so excited!!

Elk (and deer) burger is my all-time favorite. LOVE the lean meat. Enjoy yours!

Lisa said...

I have often thought it would be useful to have a freezer to stock full. Elk meat, huh? Is it anything like deer meat? I'd have to try it without knowing what it was that way I could be completely free of preconceived opinions!

Heather said...

Hey Joy, you have a deal. Next time we get together I'll hook you up! That's right - - I forgot Melynda will soon be able to hunt, too! She must be excited!
Lisa, I don't care for deer meat (too gamey) but to me elk tastes the same as hamburger. Served an "elkburger" to a neighbor the other day who dislikes elk, and she didn't even realize it was elk. Tee hee!

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