Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Back to Normal

Obviously, someone is feeling better. Yes, those are undies on his head.
Yesterday, Camden was again doing really well when he woke up, so we hopped into the car and headed to my 24-week OB appointment. Griffin is doing very well, and continues to kick like crazy. I don't remember Camden being this active in the womb! My doctor talked to me in a little more detail about a repeat c-section, so I feel even better about it now. My doctor is wonderful - - I feel so lucky to have him. After the appointment, I took Camden to the movie theater for the first time. The boy was impressed, to say the least. We saw the new Disney Pixar movie, "Cars". It was great! Those Pixar movies amaze me. Camden looked so cute, practically being swallowed up by the big movie seat, with a big bag of popcorn in his lap. We had a wonderful time.

Here is a recent picture of me at nearly 24 weeks. I feel gigantic, and was starting to think I would end up even larger than I was when I had Camden (we're talking LARGE). However, I was pleased to learn yesterday that I am 11 pounds lighter at this point with Griffin, than I was when I was 24 weeks pregnant with Camden. Phew! There's hope for me yet. I am actually feeling really good - - I've noticed in the last week or so that my back isn't hurting quite as much, and I certainly have a lot more energy, which I love.

Camden is home with me this morning, and then we'll head off to Boise to do a "trade off" with Steve, so that I can work this afternoon. That nasty stomach bug is still working its way through Cam's preschool, so we thought another day of R&R at home might be a good idea.

We received some great news last night - - my dad will be coming out for a two-week visit, July 31st-August 14th! See you soon, Papa!


Lisa said...

I've been hoping for another tummy picture! You look wonderful! Didn't you just love "Cars"!? We went last weekend and we all really loved it! Glad to see Camden is feeling better! I personally think babies personalites in utero give a few clues as to their personalities as they grow up! Allison was a fiesty baby in utero and has continued to be. Becky was so calm, somedays I worried because I wasn't feeling her move. She's still very laid back. We'll see what kind of personality little Griffin has!

Joy said...

Glad Camden is feeling better - love the pic of him today!! LOVE the photo of you & Griffin. You look great! 11 lbs less? Whoo HOOOO! That would be great news for me, too.

Saw CARS Sat night with all the kids. We all loved it, but Paco fell asleep!!! He must have seen something though as he will only wear his Cars pj's now.

Wonderful news on Papa coming this summer! Know how you enjoy each other's company.

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