Friday, June 23, 2006


I'm sitting here, having a bowl of cereal, enjoying the morning air and the silence of my home. Steve left early this morning so he could get in a mountain bike ride in the foothills, before heading into the office. I've got laundry in the washer, the sprinklers running outside, and about 50% of my housework done, so I'm feeling like I've actually accomplished something, and it isn't even 7:00 a.m.!
I had wanted to post this picture a few days ago, but I was having trouble uploading pictures so I wasn't able. That's my father-in-law, Dev, on the left, and his good friend Bruce on the right, the day before they set off on their cross-country bike trip. My father-in-law is 67 years old, and he is pedaling (yes, I said pedaling) his bike from Washington state to Maine. Pretty amazing if you ask me. We have received a couple of updates and, so far, they are doing great. I think it is really inspiring to see these guys fulfilling a life-long dream.
On a side note, the brick house you see behind them is the house we are currently purchasing. I'm getting more and more excited as the days go by. On the same token, I'm heartbroken to see our beloved neighbors, Lew and Roberta, leave. I'm quite sure they are the best neighbors anyone could ask for. They are in their late 80's, and have decided that the time is right for them to head for Texas and move in with their daughter. I haven't really stopped to think about what life will be like without them around (probably because I am avoiding thinking about it). While Steve was in Iraq, Lew watched our house like a hawk, and helped me with so many things. They've lived here for about 30 years, moving here from Seattle, after Lew retired from the railroad. I have a feeling I will be quite lonely without them, and so I'm feeling a need to reach out to my other neighbors now and get to know them better, in hopes of filling the hole that will be left when Lew and Roberta leave. I'm going to miss them so much!
Camden and I don't have much on our agenda today - - I have some baking to do, and I probably ought to balance the check book. The temperatures are set to start creeping toward the 100's, and in my condition, I'm dreading it! The checker at the grocery store last night said, "You must be ready to deliver!" (I think she's the third person to say that to me this week), and when I replied that I wasn't due until the end of September, she simply said, "Poor thing!" Thank goodness for air conditioning, is all I can say!


Anonymous said...

We are so thankful you have Lew and Roberta as neighbors. They are such nice people, and I know they think the world of you, too. They will surely miss you, Steve, and Camden when they move to TX. I'm thankful you had them when Steve was in Iraq.

Lisa said...

What a blessing to have such wonderful neighbors. I'm sure you mean as much to them as they mean to you. I hope you find other neighbors close by that you can befriend.

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