Friday, June 09, 2006


Yesterday, I received a call in the middle of my workday, from Camden's preschool. His teacher informed me that Camden had just "thrown up all over the place". Ugh. Some of you know that I have a completely irrational fear of vomit, so I was not thrilled to say the least. Camden got mildly car sick once and threw up, but it was nothing. Other than that, the child has never gotten sick like that. When I arrived at the preschool to pick him up, he was sound asleep on the floor. He had been completely fine when I'd dropped him off a mere 4 hours earlier, so it had hit him quickly. Luckily, I work in a doctor's office, so one of the nurses outfitted me with blankets, drop clothes, and a barf bowl, as she knew I had a one-hour commute back home. So off we went. I'm happy to say we made it home without incident. Camden spent the afternoon on the couch, napping off and on. I spent the afternoon pacing. Steve arrived around 5:30, thank goodness. As Steve and I were sitting at the kitchen table, Camden burst into tears and muttered, "I don't feel good!" and then began throwing up again. Here is where we showed our true colors as parents. Steve, I kid you not, leapt from the table and was instantly at Camden's side, tending to him. I, on the other hand, leapt from the table, and ran into the kitchen. I don't even know what I was thinking. Probably something like, "run in the opposite direction of the vomit!" Anyway, I did manage to help clean up, get Cam comfortable, and then I went to bed. By that point I wasn't feeling so hot. As it turns out, I think it was purely psychological.
I'm happy to say we all made it through the night. Camden woke up this morning, bouncing off the walls, happy, hungry, and ready to play. Steve is back at annual training, and I think I've washed and disinfected the entire house at this point. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that neither one of us get what Camden had. So far, so good.


Joy said...

Bless you, Heather. We are the same when it comes to vomit - Roy can tend it and I'll go in the other room, dry heaving myself!

Glad Camden's better today and praying you and Steve don't get it!!!

Lisa said...

I hope you're not upset to know that I am laughing so hard right now!! Ed is the one my kids want around when they are sick - I don't like any part of it. And as far as running in the opposite thinking! I'm glad Camden is better today. Hopefully it was just a fluke and not a bug of some sort. Stay well!

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