Sunday, June 11, 2006

Blue Bunny

Steve and I have just a few items in our possession that are probably worth a bit of money, but I dare say one of the most valuable items in our home is Blue Bunny. Blue Bunny was a gift for Camden when he was born, from his Great Aunt Jean and Great Uncle Ken. Camden received heaps of stuffed animals when he was born, but for some reason, Blue Bunny stood out from the rest. For anyone who has small children, many of you are familiar with the "lovey". That is the one object, whether a blanket or stuffed animal, that your child cannot seem to live without. Blue Bunny has a white and a blue ribbon tied in a bow around his neck, and ever since he was tiny, Camden twirls those ribbons between his fingers when he needs comfort, or is trying to fall asleep. Just yesterday, when Camden was a pathetic heap on the sofa, he murmured, "I need my Blue Bunny!"
Quite some time back, when Camden was just a little guy, I was out in the laundry room and wasn't aware that he was standing at the baby gate watching me fill the washing machine. As I slipped Blue Bunny into a hosiery bag and tossed him into the running washer, I heard the most blood-curdling scream escaping from my small son's lips. Blue Bunny was already wet, so there wasn't much I could do. I kid you not, that child cried for the next two hours, while Blue Bunny washed, rinsed, spun, and then tumbled dry on low heat.
Blue Bunny has traveled to Texas, Louisiana, and Maine. He has been on countless trips to the grocery store, Target, Startbucks, and everywhere in between. When I leave the house in the morning, I've been known to forget my lunch, my sunglasses, or my cell phone, but I never pull away from the curb unless Blue Bunny is with us. There have been a couple of instances when we have misplaced Blue Bunny, and utter panic has set in. It doesn't seem that Camden will be outgrowing Blue Bunny any time soon, and I'm just fine with that. I think I am as attached to him as Camden is.


Anonymous said...

Somehow Blue Bunny manages to sneak into so many of the photos you take, Heather. I always get a charge out of seeing him and knowing he still is Camden's best friend.

Great "Ode to Blue Bunny." I enjoyed it.

Love, Aunt Jean

Joy said...

Too cute! Paco doesn't have a lovey - or else, I am that lovely... darling Blue Bunny.

Lisa said...

Katie is 11 and still loves her "Doll Doll". I know exactly what you mean when you said you love Blue Bunny as much as Camden. I hope Katie will leave her lovey behind when she goes off to college so it can comfort me.

kirsten said...

Love your Blue Bunny post and the story about him getting washed. My kids don't have a lovey (yet?!) but I hope if they ever do it's as cute as Blue Bunny. I also hope Camden is feeling better.
Keep meaning to tell you- thanks for all your comments on my blog (my family can't for the life of them figure out how to comment!)

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, I thought Blue Bunny had died when I first saw your post. I noticed when I was visiting that he was looking a little worn here and there. I remember the day Camden caught him being tossed into the washer. I can still hear him screaming in the background as you called. I'm glad Camden has Blue Bunny to help him get thru rough times such as the flu.

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