Sunday, November 30, 2008
The End of NaBloPoMo, etc.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Brining a Turkey
Our turkey, brining itself silly in the fridge
I feel compelled to mention that I made this cheesecake for Thanksgiving dessert, and I am still in a snit over how it turned out. For me, it just didn't taste cheese-cakey enough, nor was it dense in texture, which is what I personally prefer. I followed the recipe to a "t", but was not impressed. Due to the caramel sauce being poured over the crust (prior to adding the cheesecake filling), the baked result yielded a crust bottom that I needed a chisel for, in order to serve up a slice. Alas, I won't be making this again...instead I will go back to this recipe, which produces the world's most fabulous pumpkin cheesecake, in my humble opinion.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Knit, Purl, Knit, Purl...
In other news, I have discovered the joys of downloading music from the Internet, and making my own cd's. I forgot my laptop had a burner, and it had just never crossed my mind to download music in the first place. It is very addictive, I must say. I've looked up about a bazillion songs over the past 48 hours, and I made the boys a cd this evening. I feel like such a technology whiz. That is, until I look at this picture:
Here is a photo of Camden and my father (and Steve's feet), listening to my dad's iPod. I wouldn't know how to turn an iPod on if someone handed me one, along with explicitly written instructions. Each of my parents have one, and on top of that, my father has been downloading music and burning his own cd's for years. Something tells me I need to get with the program.
I have to admit, I actually went Christmas shopping today. I took Mum and Dad with me, and we waited until after 11:00 a.m., which turned out to be a wise choice, because most of the crazy, stampede-inducing sales ended at 11:00, so it was really like any old shopping day. The trip was very productive, and I am happy to say that my shopping is just about complete. My motto this year has been "keep it simple", and I'm happy to say that I have.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Potty Talk
We are busy here, as I'm sure you all are, preparing for Thursday. The turkey is soaking in a lovely brine in the fridge, our menu has been finalized, and grocery list written. I'll work on desserts tomorrow, and am looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Strike a Pose
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Girl Time
Friday, November 21, 2008
Blast From the Past: Dolly Edition
(Jenny & Mandy, circa 1979 & 1977)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Griffin the Terrible, Pajamas, & a Dead Squirrel
We had an interesting day here at the homestead. Griffin was a World Class Pill for most of the day - - he is a Mumma's Boy through-and-through, and he wouldn't let anyone near him all day. He focused the majority of his energy on being naughty, and insisting that I hold him at all times. Ack! I seriously hope he's snapped out of it by tomorrow, because I don't think I can take another day of that.
This evening, I put on a special event at the library in conjunction with Idaho Family Reading Week. I had a "pajama story time" complete with milk and cookies, and I was so happy with the large turnout. Griffin dug deep and behaved himself while we were there - - thanks for that, Griff. My boss seemed pleased with how it all went, so I'm glad for that, too.
The dead squirrel. Well, a couple of days ago, 12-year-old Riley managed to seriously injure a squirrel in the back yard. Bless his elderly heart, Riley isn't overly swift, so I'm still not sure how he outwitted the little sucker. Lo and behold, we looked out in the back yard this afternoon to find Roy in a mad embrace with a lifeless squirrel corpse, which I'm guessing was Riley's victim from the other day. Roy proceeded to flip Mr. Squirrel's limp little body to and fro, even laying on his back a couple of times and sort of boxing at it with his hind legs. I think at one point, Roy was wondering why the little guy didn't "play back", and he eventually lost interest. That's when I sent my Dad out with a plastic bag to dispose of the cadaver. Thanks, Dad! You're a good sport.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Simple Post
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
One More Sleep
Monday, November 17, 2008
Muffin Tin Monday: Fruits & Veggies, Dips & Spreads
Grilled cheese (cut out with an acorn cookie cutter), carrots and broccoli, ranch dip, All-Bran crackers with peanut butter, apple sauce (Camden had vanilla yogurt), and sliced bananas. The boys' favorite part was the inclusion of the red plastic knife, so they could spread their own peanut butter on the crackers. Griffin actually used the knife for spreading, while Camden used his to chop up his sandwich. I love how excited the boys get when I say, "It's Muffin Tin Monday!", and I have fun putting the tins together. Next week's theme is: "Foods Your Kids are Thankful For/Favorites". I'm totally going to let the boys pick their favorites - - I'm sure Monday's lunch will be completely unbalanced, and laden with sugar.
(That's the top of Camden's head on the right, picking his plastic knife up off the floor - those suckers are slippery!)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sugar Deception
Friday, November 14, 2008
Apron Love
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I really like how they turned out, and I actually love them on the bedroom wall. They were so easy to make. All I did was take pictures of each family member, and then printed out the picture in 8x10 size (here's Camden's).
Then, I carefully cut around the image. I placed it on a piece of black card stock and traced it. Then, I cut out that image, mounted it on white card stock, and framed it. Voila! I even caught ol' Riley in a reflective mood one day, so I made a silhouette of him, too. No such luck with Roy, as of yet.
The frame for Riley's silhouette was found at our local thrift store for 50 cents. It was brown and plastic, and really ugly, but nothing that some glossy red spray paint couldn't fix.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wordfull Wednesday: The Act of Giving

When I think about giving, one thing that quickly comes to mind are simple acts of kindness, such as, saying "good morning" to someone you pass on the street. Asking the cashier at the grocery store if they are having a nice day. Holding a door for a stranger. I hate to be cynical, but, more often than not, it seems that the general population keep to themselves. I know there are still many, many good people in the world, but why don't people make eye contact anymore? Why do some people find it easier to pretend that they don't notice others in need? Why does it seem to be difficult to get pleasant customer service? I don't know the answers to these questions. What I do know is that when I find myself feeling down, I try to remember a quote that I heard once. "You can't control how other people act, but you can control how you react to them." Go ahead and try saying this to yourself...a mantra of sorts...the next time you are faced with a rude person. Don't get hung up on how someone is treating you, but rather, focus on how you can step up and do better.
I love this website. Take a few minutes to visit it. My favorite acts of kindness really are the random ones - - where you do something for another person, whether you know them or not, but expect absolutely nothing in return. Keep this concept in mind, as it will be part of an upcoming giveaway.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
On a slightly different, yet related note, I thought I would include a video that Steve recently shared with me. I found it very moving. The part I am referring to is really the second half of the video, so please be patient and watch it all the way through. I am not posting this to make any type of political statement - - I simply think Colin Powell's words speak volumes.
***Edited to add: After rereading this post, I wanted to point out that this is not a post about fishing for compliments for Steve (or for myself). It is a post about my personal experience, and my thoughts today. I originally closed the comments for this post, but then worried that readers may think I closed comments so as not to allow political opinions. Just wanted to make that clarification. Thanks for your compliments just the same!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dad Time

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Mickey, Griffie, Buzz, & Camden

Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Butter & Eggs Make the World Go 'Round
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
A New Day. And, a Bit of a Rant.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you are aware that I don't tend to inject my opinion about things very often, mostly because I prefer to keep things light. However, I'm a little testy this morning. Over the last 24-48 hours I've seen, heard, and read so many things that have frankly been a little depressing and disappointing. I'll do my best to present my thoughts in an organized fashion, but I can't make any promises.
I voted for Barack Obama. I'd like to think I made a very informed decision. My husband and I had many, many lengthy conversations about the election. We went back and forth. We watched. We read. We considered. In the end, we each, individually, made up our minds. It wasn't easy. We both agreed that for the first time since either of us could legally vote, we were presented with two superb candidates, each with outstanding qualities and ideas. How refreshing it was to choose from two such candidates, rather than basing our choice on who we disliked a little less than the other, as we feel we've had to do in the past.
While I appreciate how passionate we can each get about our candidates, how tiring it is to hear people implying that others (who didn't vote as they did) are somehow ill-informed. I'd like to think we all vote based on what we believe to be the best choice for each of us. That's democracy. That is why we live in the United States of America, people.
Yesterday morning, I was preparing to teach Story Time at the library, as I do each Tuesday morning. A mother asked me if I'd voted. I replied that I had. She then asked me if I was a Democrat or Republican (I'll remind you that I live in the very Republican state of Idaho). My first thought was, "none of your business!" but instead I replied honestly, "Neither...I'm registered as an Independent." She looked at me like I had two heads! When I voted yesterday, I voted for democrats and republicans. Again, I'd like to think I made informed decisions.
Another thing: I'm sick of hearing that Sarah Palin is evil, crazy, etc., etc., etc. She's the Governor of Alaska, and you aren't. She must have some redeeming qualities to have accomplished what she's accomplished. I'm pretty sure if she knew all kinds of details about your life, she'd find things she didn't like about you, either. I realize there is a difference, since she was running for vice president, and we weren't, but still. I think it is sad that so much focus was taken away from Senator McCain, because so many people were busy jumping on the bandwagon, bashing her. Sad.
Lastly, I have to address the whole argument that Barack Obama doesn't care about our troops. Believe me, this isn't a topic we take lightly in our household. Steve spent a year and a half of his life away from us, in Iraq, and will most likely be deployed again. He voted for Obama, and will happily discuss his personal experience and thoughts with anyone (email me if you need our phone number).
Please don't think for a moment that this is a post about how "I voted for Obama, and if you didn't, you're stupid. " Please give me more credit than that. Mostly, this is a little rant about the sad state that our country is in, in so many different ways. My opinion. I respect and welcome yours as well.
I am hopeful this morning that change is indeed coming.
Now, back to baking, crafting, and child-rearing!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Voting With My Trusty Sidekicks

Monday, November 03, 2008
Not What I Had Planned

Sunday, November 02, 2008
How Do I LoveThee? Let Me Count The Ways...

Saturday, November 01, 2008
NaBloPoMo '08!

Halloween pizza...
Griffin, Josie, and Camden
Cousins ... Camden (in mid-Batman pose), Banzer (as Johnny Cash), and a bewildered Griffie/Spiderman