Um....yeah - - that would be Griffin, climbing on furniture. He's become rather mischievous since we've been in Maine, or, I suppose I should say, MORE mischievous. He is almost walking, but I am advising him to wait until he is back in Idaho before taking his first steps, so Daddy doesn't miss it.
We spent last night with Aunt Jean and Uncle Ken in Hollis Center, and had a very nice visit. It went by too quickly though, and before we knew it, we were back in Topsham, at which point I discovered I'd left my glasses in Hollis Center. Tomorrow morning, I'm off to South Portland bright and early, to meet up with Aunt Jean and retrieve said glasses! Then, my friend Amy and her son Clayton are coming down from Belfast for a visit, which I am really looking forward to. This evening, I had the good fortune to catch up with my old friend Suzette, and we are hoping to do even more catching up before I head out of town.
Some highlights from the past few days - - Mum and I took the boys to the Childrens Museaum of Maine - - poor Camden was so beside himself, he could barely form complete sentences. He had so much fun, and especially loved the pirate ship (of course). Dad and I took the boys to Dunkin Donuts, because we don't have Dunkin Donuts in Idaho, and more importantly, every little boy needs to gorge himself on a box of munchkins. Today, on the way back from Hollis Center, we took the boys to Smiling Hill Farm. Camden particularly loved the wooden train and played on that for as long as we let him! Camden and Dad spent some time playing in the leaves and fashioning a "leaf man", and had a great time. Of course we have Halloween coming up on Wednesday, and then some last-minute running around before we head back home bright and early on Friday morning.
I have enjoyed reading your blog so much while you've been in Maine! I don't know if you have a Tim Horton's in Idaho but if not then Camden must also gorge himself on little munchkin donuts from there as well!! They are even better than Dunkin! It's hard to believe you have been there just about three weeks! YIKES - time flies!!
Happy Halloween!!! I know Camden is in his hayday today. Love hearing of your visit.
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