Camden, visiting the cockpit, upon landing in Portland, Maine

The view from Steve's parents' deck

Steve & Camden, out on a lobster boat

Steve, Jeff, & Tony

The S'mores Fire

Nana & Griffin

The beautiful coast of Maine, Cape Elizabeth

Steve & Camden, exploring the coast

From the Davis Family Photo Shoot, this past Sunday
Beautiful family!!!
Love hearing of your experiences in Maine. Keep 'em comin'!!!
What a lovely family photo!
HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!! so glad you got the pictures to work! Can't wait to see more when your home! WE MISS YOU!!! Give those boys a squeeze from us all and you too!!
the rogers
What a beautiful family picture! And there's no spot on the Maine coast more beautiful than Cape Elizabeth! It sounds like you are all having a wonderful visit! Your parents must be so thrilled to have all of their grandchildren together!
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