Sunday, September 30, 2007
A Brief Update
Can I also tell you how great my husband is? I mean, really. The man is in no way use to providing round-the-clock care for the boys, and he's just jumped right in there and taken over. I wish so badly I could give him a little break so he could go jogging or something. Besides caring for the boys, he's had to be helping me every time I need to get up or down, wait on me hand-and-foot, etc. Just wanted to give Steve a little public pat on the back, because I sure do love him and appreciate him. Thanks, honey!
Time to get back to my convalescing. More updates coming soon!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Behold...The Angled Bob
I am currently scurrying around, getting things ready here at the house for Steve and the boys tomorrow. They'll dump me off at the hospital at the crack of dawn tomorrow, and come back and get me sometime in the afternoon, once I shake the anesthesia. I'll be glad when I am back home! I hope I don't have to wear one of those shower cap things during surgery, and mess up my hair!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Birthday, Griffin Peter
Monday, September 24, 2007
Never a Dull Moment
We celebrated Griffin's birthday this past Sunday, so that cousin Banzer could join in the festivities. Of course Griffin really didn't know what was going on, but I suppose putting on a first birthday celebration is more for a mother's sentimental heart more than anything, isn't it? We had a lovely day, and I really enjoyed baking and getting things together. Here is the cake I made, compliments of Martha's website:
As for me - - I'm all kinds of messed up. I went to my appointment with the surgeon today, and found out that I don't have one hernia, I have FOUR. So, I'm going in for surgery on Friday, to get sewn back together. The doctor seems to think I may also have a hiatal hernia, which would explain the massive heartburn I've been having. For now I'll just continue sleeping on an incline, and taking my Prilosec!
Alas, I must get to bed before Griffin wakes up because he can't breathe through his nose. Closing with some assorted pictures. Enjoy!
...and blowing out his candles
Griffin, eating the monkey's ear
Griffin's new favorite place to play
This morning, before my drastic new haircut (which I love, by the way!). I'll try to get a picture posted later this week.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Candy, Candy, and More Candy

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Comfort Food
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
All Kinds of News
After returning from the conference, I went over to my local hospital, in hopes of getting in at the walk-in clinic, as I'd discovered a lump on my abdomen a couple of days before. Unfortunately, the clinic was closed, but the nurse in the ER felt I should be seen. It turns out that I apparently have a hernia, as a result of diastasis recti. So, I have an appointment with a surgeon next Monday, to see what needs to be done about that. In the meantime, I am not supposed to be lifting anything over 10 lbs., which is really not feasible for a mother of a 19-lb. baby who needs to be lifted a zillion times per day. Anyway, I will feel much better after my appointment next week, when I know what the next step is.
Steve and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on Saturday, with a long-overdue trip to the sushi bar. We tried a new place this time, Koi, located within Mai Thai in Eagle. What a fabulous dinner, and it was so nice to spend time with Steve.
As for Griffin - - Steve and I took him to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist yesterday, and he will be getting ear tubes on October 10th. Apparently, he has a very large and "split" uvula, which somehow contributes to his constant ear infections. We were a bit surprised when he also mentioned that Griffin's palate was close to being cleft. After discussing all of this with the doctor, he felt it would be best for Griffin to have tubes, and we agreed with him. It has been rather difficult watching him suffer with ear infection after ear infection, and we just want him to feel better.
This past Sunday, Steve's godson Patrick (who is also Steve's Uncle Rex's grandson) and his new wife, Yoshie, came to visit, on their way from Massachusetts to San Francisco, where Patrick will be starting a new job. We had a great dinner together that evening, and then they left the next morning, hoping to make it to San Francisco that evening.
Griffie discovers the Cozy Coupe
Camden and Steve spent a recent morning creating a "treasure map", and then burying treasures in the back yard. If you are wondering what Camden is wearing...that would be his pirate costume.
Helping Daddy get the tub ready for bath time.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Treasure Hunting
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Must. Breathe. Deeply.
Autumn is in the air, and I am loving it. I actually had to wear a fleece jacket the other morning...yippee!! Oh, how I love this particular change in seasons. The one I'm not so much looking forward to is the next one, when we head on into the long, dark, dreary winter. I would say that is the most difficult season, particularly as a stay-at-home-mom.
Griffin's first birthday is right around the corner - - I really cannot believe it. I am truly savoring every last little bit of "babyness" left in him, but it is slipping by much too quickly, and he is rapidly leaving all things baby, in the dust. I find my heart a bit heavy lately - - I am feeling all torn up over the fact that I won't be having any more kids. So, so grateful for my boys, but I just don't feel "done", if that makes any sense. Unfortunately, Steve does, so that's that.
Griffin's little party will be a very low-key event, as was Camden's, but I must say, I had quite a bit of fun the other day, perusing one of my favorite websites, where I found the cake I'll make for him, along with a few other cute ideas for the day. Thanks, Martha!
I recently noticed the little "video" icon on the Blogger posting page, so I thought I'd give it a try tonight. This is Griffin, earlier today. Notice his faithful companion, Riley, panting nearby.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Maybe I'll Just Go Britney and Shave My Head
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Worn Out
Here's to hoping I'll have something more inspiring to say, in the next day or so!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Jazzed-Up Burgers
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon dried basil leaves
Mix all ingredients together by hand. Form into 4 burgers, then grill to desired taste.
This is also really good with a slice of mozzarella cheese melted over the top. We made some of these burgers today, as a matter of fact.
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Have you tried Glad Steam Lock Bags? I love them! My sister-in-law turned me onto them last weekend, and they are really great. I think they are available everywhere now, but I found mine at Target.
Labor day signals the end of summer, and I have to say, I'm not all that broken up over it. Autumn is my favorite time of the year, and it is a beautiful time of the year, here in Idaho. It also means our trip to Maine is that much closer!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I must admit, it was good to see my boys when I got back today. I'd never left Griffin overnight before, but of course he did great with Daddy. I spent the afternoon baking (a chocolate zucchini cake, and a batch of strawberry muffins), and before I knew it, the day was over with. Everyone went to bed long ago, but here I am, squeaking out just a little bit more "alone time" before I turn in for the night. We've got some friends coming for a Labor Day cookout tomorrow...can't wait!