Friday, September 01, 2006

Welcome to my new life...

Yesterday was my last day of work. I am now officially a stay-at-home mom! You may be wondering what the heck I am doing up at 5:20 a.m. - - I'm kind of wondering the same thing, too. The short answer is, I'm nearly 36 weeks pregnant, and I don't really sleep anymore, I take cat naps. The other answer is that I am so use to getting up early, coupled with the fact that Steve's alarm goes off at 4:15 a.m. (I'm a light sleeper and once I hear that alarm, I'm pretty much awake for the day, unfortunately).

I had started a post early in the week that I ended up deleting. It seems that I've been struggling with the fact that I wouldn't have a paying job anymore. I don't know that it was necessarily the paycheck I was going to miss, but more the sense of self. I've never not worked for a paycheck, so I don't really know what to expect, going into this new phase of my life. Anyway, a couple of days ago, I started to get really excited about what was about to happen. I'd been spending so much time worrying and wondering that I hadn't really stopped to think about how lucky I am. So today I am sitting here with a big smile on my face, happy to have this opportunity to be with my boys.


Lisa said...

You will NEVER regret staying home!! I've been so blessed by these years I've been home with my girls! Ed & I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't wait to hear how you've settled into this "new life" after Griffin is born. I predict you'll never look back...

Joy said...

Like Lisa said, I've never regretted staying home. Granted, it's only been a year and half... I went through the whole no paycheck feelings too so when we get together next, we sure can talk about the roller coaster of emotions that could come with a major life change.

Is the yard sale on for tomorrow?

Congratulations on your only full-time position!!! How exciting!!!

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