Sunday, March 02, 2008

Get Thee to Target...

...and buy one of these. Seriously, the coolest eco-friendly shopping bag out there. I love mine! The best part about it is that it folds up into the size of a check book and then zips closed, so you can keep it right in your purse. That way, you can never say that you "left your cloth bags in the car" again - - this is my biggest problem. I want to use cloth bags and stop using plastic, but half the time, I forget them at home, or I remember them, but then forget them in the car. Oh, and they only costs 99 cents. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great bag. I use cloth bags when I grocery shop (when I don't forget to bring them) and feel a wee bit more "green" each time. These little steps will lead to bigger ones....And its a great example for the kids.

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