For the past week, Griff and I have been in the trenches of potty training. Deeeeep in the trenches. It has been going well. It has also not been going well. I've had a couple of moments this week where I wanted to just throw my hands up in the air, stick the boy back in a diaper, and go curl up in a ball on my bedroom floor. Alas, we have come too far to turn back now, so onward we will march! We seem to be on an upswing again, so I'll just leave it at that and hope for the best. The best news is, we are 100% diaper-free now, so I'm thrilled about that.
Yesterday, I was preparing lunch for the boys, and they were busy playing. At one point I could hear Griffin singing, "I'm the Potty Man! I'm the Potty Man!" I chuckled to myself, and continued with lunch prep. His little voice was getting closer, and when I turned around, this is what I saw: