Lordy Pete, these boys have been running me ragged! For the most part, I think I am pretty good at rolling with the punches, but every now and then I just want to run right out the front door, pulling my hair out, screaming as I go. Luckily, Steve had the day off today, so I was able to escape for a bit. Oh mama, was it
ever nice to blast some music in the car, wander aimlessly around various stores, and just decompress. All. By. Myself. Alas, tomorrow morning Steve will be off jet-setting for some Army business, so I need to dig deep and hold it together this week. Anyway, back to my day:

First stop: Saturn of Boise, to have the car serviced. Must keep the vehicle in tip-top condition, especially when it is the only vehicle you have!

As luck would have it, there is a Starbucks across the street from the dealership, so I just hoofed it on over and ordered myself a Decaf Tall Nonfat Mocha, and a Petite Vanilla Bean Scone, thank you very much. I proceeded to park my heiny in a ginormous, squishy armchair, and read The Idaho Statesman.

Next stop - - TJ Maxx. Oh, how I use to love to shop at TJ's, before I had children. Nowadays, not so much. I don't like to be rushed when I am at TJ Maxx, and, unfortunately, small, rambunctious boys do not like to linger in the candle isle, so there you have it.
Today, however, I spent all kinds of time fondling the handbags, sniffing candles, caressing the housewares, and wandering up and down the aisles. It was glorious, I tell you!

I worked up quite an appetite at TJ's, so it was off to Hooter's for lunch. Okay, I didn't
really go to Hooter's, but I swear I'm going to make Steve take me there some day. I would just like to know what all of the fuss is about. Plus, I hear they make a mean plate of hot wings.

My shenanigans ended at Target, because really, if you are going to go shopping, you have to go to Target. Oh Lordy I love that store. Soon, I was on my way home, back to a house full of boys. I didn't forget about you while I was away, though - - I brought back a few treats from my adventure, and if you'd like to receive a little package in the mail next week, then just go ahead and tell me so in the comments. I'll draw a winner at random, using Random.org, on Friday. Here's what is up for grabs:

A lovely new journal (the picture does not do it justice), a Starbucks mug, a $5.00 Starbucks gift card, a piece of Starbucks chocolate, and a handy-dandy cloth shopping bag from Target, that folds up into its own little pouch, so you can keep it right in your purse (or pocket, or whatever). As always, thank you so much for reading - - I appreciate you all so much!
*Edited to add: Okay, I know what all the fuss is about at Hooter's - - I just want to see it for myself. Unfortunately I'm afraid I'd be giggling the whole time.
Let's get together next week we can go crazy together!! LOL!!
Looks like you had a wonderful day and you well deserved it...can't wait to see your garden! Oh and enter me in your giveaway looks grand
Sign me up for the give-away. Please. Glad you had a day out by YOURSELF! P.S. Even though I am at the teenager stage with the last child, I still have days that I feel like running out the door, far, far away :) I'd stop at Target, though!
Sounds like a heavenly day you had! Your TJ Maxx looks so much better than the one here! Sign me on up for the goodies!
Hooter does have good wings - the rest of it I could do without tho! But if you are overly fond of skin-tight orange nylon shorts, that's the place to go. :D
Congratulations on your day out - productive, and fun. We all need one of those once in a while!
I'm in, baby!
So nice you got a day to yourself; we all need that occasionally to recharge. I just had a scrapbooking overnighter with two friends and it was HEAVEN ON EARTH.
And Hooter's wings ARE very good! Jim and I have been to Hooter's in both Orlando and Phoenix (pre-kids), and I suspect he's been to a few more . . .
I love Target soo much my husband has banned me from there for awhile, and I love starbucks and the Target here has one inside .
So please sign me up to so if I win than I have an excuse to go to Target :-)
P.s Did you buy a purse? I have also been banned from anymore purses as well :-)
Cousin Janet
I love Hooters' wings, they are really good with a few bud lights...I used to go before bowling last year. I had to drop out due to the number of drinks I would consume...just put on too much weight!
It is so nice to be "kid free" for a couple of hours.
Have a great day, Heather!
I'm glad you had a good day by yourself yesterday. You sounded down-right giddy when you called! Count me in for your drawing. I already have the Target shopping bag, and it's GREAT, and the baggers always comment on how neat it is. As I told you yesterday, I think I'm the only one in Brunswick/Topsham who uses it.
Sure I'd like to be a part of the give-away! I'm always up for free stuff!
Looks like you had a fun day!
Sounds like a fun day! And what a great giveaway! enter me, please! I love Target and Starbucks so that would be a great day fo rme all around.
Throw my name in the hat too please!
Glad you got some solo shopping in - thanks for thinking of your readers : )
Sounds like a great contest - count me in. Ashleigh B
I need a camera phone. Are you going to be giving one of those away any time soon? Count me in on this giveaway.
Hi HD,
Count me in on your giveaway (how exciting) The name Lisa was lucky last time!
Love the days when you can really browse TJ Maxx too, it always seems like a special treat when I actually get to do it.
Your list of getaway stores is very close to mine, only my get away is back home in Philly for 2 weeks. No grandkids, no husband!! My visit to Homegoods (I found 2 in the area) may be my finish when my husband finds out what I bought. Ever see Rachel Rae's frig, The Big Chill? I found one at Homegoods, even worse, I bought it. Only to find out delivery will be $500.00. It's time to get my brother in laws in on my project. That seems a little extreme even if it does weigh 400 lbs. My next dilema, will it fit through the doors of "This Old House". Then yesterday my husband calls and said he's coming out next week. OH NO!!
Enjoyed reading about your day!
awesome cellular shots!
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