Griffin is currently OBSESSED with vacuum cleaners. He has always become rather excited when I drag out the Dirt Devil, but a couple of weeks ago, he decided that he was madly in love with it. If he wasn't standing next to the cleaning closet, whimpering for me to get it out for him, he was trying to push it around. The problem, however, is that the vacuum is about twice the size of Griffin, so additional whimpering would ensue. Steve, in particular, found this to be rather irritating. So, off to Target I went, in search of a play vacuum. I found one, and now Griffie has a new best friend. I only wish it really worked, because that kid spends most of the day "vacuuming". If he loses sight of it for whatever reason, he will wander through the house yelling, "CAH-COOM!!!!" When we go anywhere in the car, Vacuum sits in the back, between Camden and Griffin. When Griffin sleeps, he and Vacuum share a mad embrace. Last week, we were at a yard sale when Griffin spied a lady carrying around a vacuum that she intended to purchase. He practically went into convulsions trying to get his grubby little mits on the thing, screaming, "CA-COOM!" the entire time.
That's a priceless picture! I love my cah-coom too Griffin.
My 2 year old daughter looked at Griffin's picture and went "Awwww! He loves his vacuum so much!"
Maybe Griffin's got the right idea. Maybe if I'd sleep with my vacuum cleaner, I'd develop a love for vacuuming.
Train 'em young! That is a cute photo of Griffin sleeping with his cah-coom.
I'd like to see a shot of the boys riding with the vacuum between them!
That is so cute! Isn't it great what just 20 bucks will do to make them happy at this age?? My kids used to have a toy vacuum cleaner, too, that they'd use endlessly to "clean up." Now that they're old enough to use a real one, though, they have no interest!
That is a hoot! :D
And umm...this little dandy works great, is pretty lightweight, and can be operated with the handle down: http://www.dirtdevil.com/Products/productDetail.aspx?id=29067 I'm not saying I use child labor ;) but in another year or so he could probably handle this one. :D
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