Washing them, that is. Maybe it is because at times, when I am being a big baby and acting really ridiculous, I like to whine to myself about how I sometimes feel as though I spend all my days wiping bottoms, noses, and washing dishes. Funny thing is, I use to have a dish washer, but I got rid of it. It came with this house, but it was old, it was a stand-alone, and so it took up way too much room in my kitchen, for something that didn't work very well. So, on a typical day, I think I wash dishes 3-4 times. The reason for my whining this morning is twofold. First, as you know, my parents were recently here for a visit. Besides being The Most Fabulous Grandparents, they are also The Most Fabulous House Guests. I'm mildly embarrassed to admit it, but in the fourteen days that they were here, I think I washed dishes one time. Once! That would be because my parents are saints and they did it for me. I didn't ask them to - - they just did, because they are good like that. So, as you can imagine, I am experiencing some major (Major!) withdrawal from this. The rest of my whining comes from the state of my kitchen this morning:
The counter space on the other side of my sink is also covered with dirty dishes. Ick. This is the result of my preparing dinner for 9 yesterday afternoon, while also attempting to keep a small boy with an ear infection entertained and happy. I won't name names (Griffin), but this small boy always naps in the afternoon, at precisely the same time that his older brother is at preschool, in this case giving me the perfect opportunity to cook in peace and quiet. Not yesterday, though. Yesterday, he fell asleep in the morning, therefore cancelling out his afternoon nap. Alas, I still managed to prepare a pork roast, yeast rolls, tossed salad, oven roasted potatoes, peas with pearl onions, and an Apple Crisp Pie, between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. AND kept Griffie from causing any major disasters. So, although my kitchen is a complete mess and I am not looking forward to washing dishes all day long today, I'm feeling just a tad bit smug that I managed to pull it all off.
The reason for the big dinner? Steve turned 40 yesterday (yes, he's an April Fool). I can't believe I am married to a 40-year-old man! Oh, wait a minute...I guess I am pushing 40 myself so I'd best keep my comments under control.
The Birthday Boy, getting some help unwrapping gifts, from a gaggle of midgets.
Happy birthday to the Fool! :D And 40 isn't that old...anymore. ;) 15 years ago I *thought* it was, but it isn't. :D
Your pie looks awesome! Now get back to work, kitchen wench! ;)
OMGosh....that makes me want to run out and buy you a dishwasher!
What about one of those counter-top ones? Would that help!
Lovely pie!
And Happy Birthday to the fool! lol!
Happy Birthday, OLD man! ha ha ha!!! Roy turns 40 in Nov. ;)
Sorry about your dishes. I don't "do dishes" anymore. I make the kids take turns so it works out. Course I loose a few boys this year to college so we'll see what happens. And I have a dishwasher (machine) so I won't complain. Not after seeing your counters.
Hope Griffin gets feeling better soon! Paco was so glad for school today after spring break. It was too funny.
Dishes and laundry are never ending!! Hope you were able to get them done, in time for dinner dishes! :)
Hope Griffin is feeling better and back on schedule.
Okay. You. Are. Amazing. Seriously! Cooking that much incredible food while having a toddler awake is an awesome accomplishment. I can barely manage to throw something in the microwave while the kids are awake let alone cook a feast. Hats off to you!
Good girl, for the baking of Grammy's rolls in the breadmaker! I miss them so :( Happy Birthday to Steve. I finally got a dishwasher when we bought our new home 5 years ago, and its now kaput for the second time. Even though there is now only three of us to do dishes for I miss the dishwasher so-I earned it all these years of doing them by hand!
Phew! I finally got through all of those dishes around 4:30 p.m.! What a mess! I think someday when we remodle the kitchen (a few years off, for sure) I will get a built-in dishwasher, but for now it will remain by-hand only! Speaking of my kitchen, I will be busy painting today, in hopes of finishing by the weekend...
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