...I am getting a chance to post! Things have been pretty busy around here lately. I don't know how many times I've tried to sit down to compose a post but just haven't been able to for a variety of reasons, none of which were a lack of something to write about. Mostly I feel like I've been running around like a crazy woman lately. I have heard people say it many times, but I definitely know it is true now - - being a stay-at-home mom is ALOT of work! Phew!
So, we've been busy. At the moment we are gearing up for Army Annual Training - - Steve leaves in a couple of days and will be gone for a little over 2 weeks. I tend to run a pretty tight ship when I am on my own with the boys, so we will do just fine. We will miss Steve though - - especially Camden. I'm hoping to keep him pretty busy so the time will go by quickly for him. Speaking of Camden, I cannot get over what a big boy he is becoming. Over the past few days I've really been noticing that his mannerisms and comments are those of a big boy. It is so hard for me to see him growing up so quickly, but at the same time I am excited to see him growing and changing. I'm just so proud of what a sweet, caring, and smart boy he is.
Camden's big news at the moment is that he is becoming quite a skilled fisherman. The boy is a natural! He makes it quite clear that he does not want or need any help - - he prefers to do it all himself! Steve is so patient with him. Quite a change from years ago, when Steve took me fishing for the first time. Remember that, Steve? :)
Steve has been crazy-busy at work, as well as getting ready for AT. I really do not know how he gets it all done, and on top of that, manages to pay such great attention to his boys.
As for me, I am still acting like a lunatic, trying out cherry recipes. I think I have it narrowed down to three entries. I'll reveal what they are when the Cherry Festival roles around. I know you are all waiting on pins and needles.
I was recently hired by my local library to be the Children's Program Coordinator, which is a fancy way of saying that I am going to be running a "story time" for preschoolers. I am a little nervous about it, but at the same time I am excited, too. It will give me a chance to be creative, do something a little different, and maybe even liven up the library a little bit. They gave me a key to the library today and pretty much told me I can go in whenever I want, and help myself to whatever, so I think I'll go down for a couple of hours this weekend and decorate my area, pull some books, and get ready for my big debut next Tuesday morning. It should be fun.
Griffin has been busy cutting his two bottom teeth, blowing raspberries, and perfecting the art of Sleeping in Weird Positions:
This is how I found him just a little while ago, when I went in to check on him. I have no idea how he managed to fall asleep like that. Needless to say, I moved him, for fear he'd suffer a teeny-tiny neck cramp.
Last but not least, here are some assorted pictures from the last week or so. The boys on Memorial Day, showing their Army pride
Cows in the road, on a recent scenic drive
The boys, reading their evening stories (Griffin got "asked to leave" right after this picture...too squirmy, it seems)
Camden and one of the fish he caught
Finally, I love these last two photos of the boys. Griffin likes to stick his head under the bed skirt on our bed, and Camden joined him the other morning. They had fun giggling their little heads off.