Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Things I Find Myself Saying...

First, let me dedicate this post, with great love, respect, and admiration, to my wonderful mother, Roberta:

Lately, I keep finding myself saying things that my mother use to say, throughout my formative years. Back then, her words (as she can probably confirm) fell mostly on deaf ears. Not only that, but I'm sure my brother and I found it somewhat annoying at the time. Here is just a sampling of things that either come out of my mouth, or that I SCREAM INSIDE MY HEAD, on a daily basis:

  • "Watch your mouth!!!" I find myself saying this to Camden a lot now - - he has been showing quite a sassy side to his personality, since his little brother came along.
  • "Rinse your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher!" Okay, this one is obviously directed at Steve, since Camden isn't quite loading the dishwasher yet.
  • "Clear your plates!" Camden is getting better at this one. I guess I should have put this one before dishwasher comment, since many times the plates, glasses, etc., seem to have a hard time even making it to the kitchen counter. I mean, do I look like a waitress? Seriously.
  • "Put your clothes in the hamper!" Again, Camden is getting better at this one, but I'm constantly finding teeny tiny undies, socks, etc. in weird places.
  • "Quit horsing around! Calm DOWN!!" I might as well scrap this one all together. I'm outnumbered by boys. Who am I kidding.
  • "Did you HEAR what I JUST said?!!??" I'm guessing this has something to do with being three years old. I can say to Camden, "Please, Dearest, do not poke your infant brother in the head with your dinner fork," to which Camden will reply, "Okay, sorry...", only to resume said poking two seconds later. ???!!??

Oh my. I believe it is time for a cafe mocha vodka valium latte.


Anonymous said...

How about, "Just wait until you have kids, and they act like this!!"??

Anonymous said...

How about "go outside and air yourself out!"
2. "There are kids starving in China"
3. "All I do is pick up after the kids, I don't need to with you" (Mike)
4. "Someday when I'm not hear you will appreciate your brother, sister"
Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

Relax and enjoy the time with the boys...Griffin looks so much like his daddy! I can tell you from experience that time does fly by and I miss the "little" stage so much. There is no more hugs and kisses whenever for my son, (I miss just kissing his cubby cheeks) and the girls don't need me to get their clothes out anymore or fix their hair....I feel into a routine and unfortuantely to the kids dismay I still drive them crazy with my "any moment cleaning"! Maybe the grandkids will someday be like their Grammy!???? Enjoy, be stressed, be tired you will miss it! Camden looks like a shoe-in for the Army! I still say he looks like Uncle Buzz!
Take care....

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