Back on July 23rd, we got our first egg! I suspected that Nan was up to something a couple of days prior - - her behavior was a little different and she just seemed to be pacing a lot more than usual. Sure enough, she sequestered herself in the nesting box one morning, and not long after, we had our first egg. It was big excitement, I tell you!
Within the next week, all three of our girls were laying. Despite the heat, we usually get three eggs every day. Nan lays quite small eggs, but I suspect they will increase in size as she gets a little older. The Buffs, however, have laid a couple of whoppers...I'm not sure how they do it, really!
One of Nan's eggs on the left, and one of Butterscotch's eggs on the right.
Now we have wonderful, fresh eggs from our girls for our breakfast in the morning. The yolks are so orange that we end up with the brightest yellow scrambled eggs. Camden says, "Happy chickens make happy eggs!"
I think I have mentioned before that our chickens are very tame (as you can see!). Griff and Butterscotch like to sit together from time to time. I don't know what they talk about, but Butterscotch is very content to cuddle up and get some love from Griff.
I'm so glad that I took the leap into backyard chickens. They are fascinating little critters and they bring us a lot of happiness!